Picture of Eva sitting on a black fold-out chair in a light blue studio space. She's has bright orange hair, blue eyes and is wearing thin, gold-rimmed circular glasses. She's wearing a light blue cropped t-shirt, blue-and-white striped jeans and Dr Marten shoes. She's looking into the camera with a confident yet soft look.

Since graduating, I’ve picked up interest in teaching my passion to other interested people. Contact me if you’re in need for one of the following workshops, or if you have any questions about these or potential other workshops.

  • Beginner’s Workshop in Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro, uses reader below.
  • Beginner’s Workshop in Editing in Avid Media Composer
  • Workshop Syncing and Logging for Film Editing in Avid Media Composer (basic knowledge of Avid is preferred), uses reader below.

For my experience in teaching, download my CV in English or in Dutch.


One of my talents is writing easy-to-follow readers and manuals with clear instructions and screenshots. Click on any of the categories to see my manuals. You can buy them via PayPal, after which I will e-mail the file(s) directly to you. All prices are in Euro (€) and include tax. 

Icon image showing a blurry image of a clapperboard with a grey box on top of it and the logo for Avid Media Composer on top of that.SYNCING AND LOGGING FOR FILM EDITING (IN AVID MEDIA COMPOSER)
A comprehensive manual guiding the reader through a great way to sync, log and manage footage before the edit begins.

Available in English and Dutch.

Icon for the reader about creating proxies in DaVinci. The logos of Avid Media Composer and DaVinci Resolve are on top of a translucent grey box, which overlays a blurry image of an editing set.CREATING PROXIES FOR AVID MEDIA COMPOSER IN DAVINCI RESOLVE 16
A simple manual guiding the reader through the steps necessary to create proxy files for Avid using DaVinci Resolve 16.

Available in English and Dutch.

Icon that shows the logo for Adobe Premiere Pro in front of a grey box, which overlays a blurry picture of a timeline in Adobe Premiere Pro.

A manual explaining the absolute basics of Adobe Premiere Pro 2020.

Available in English.