15 episodes between 5″00 and 10″00 – Dutch
Broodje Aap (Urban Legend) is a children’s web series for Zapp’s YouTube channel. It’s an anthology series with 8 different directors spanning 15 episodes. Every episode has a different story, a different cast and a different genre. I was the editor for 6 out of the 15 episodes; Game Over (dir. Anne de Blok), Gedrogeerde Ouders?, Terror Zusje (dir. Eva Heijnen), Telefoonstalker, Bizarre Date (dir. Rosa Meijer) and Oppassen… (dir. Niek Roozen).
In times of fake news, it is important to keep a critical eye on anything you see or read on the internet. In Broodje Aap we tell the most bizarre, thrilling, weird and nasty stories. Did this really happen, or are we watching an Urban Legend? That’s for the viewer to find out!
Show runner: Timo Ottevanger
Producers: Stepping Stone Producties for KRO-NCRV/Zapp
Editors: Eva Plompen, Tim Straver & Alex Elsinga
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